[CQ-Contest] The best QSOs/hour on SSB/CW

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Tue Jun 26 13:44:34 EDT 2001

n a message dated 6/26/01 9:37:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
gyantis at midtec.com writes:

> He also broke the
>  previously thought impossible to break single-op 10K QSO barrier. 

    Actually Rich, N6KT, was the first to do it several years ago in the ARRL 
DX SSB from the TI2CF station (don't remember his contest call - TI2C?). 

    If Jeff did it, then he would be the second person to do it - a hugely 
admirable accomplishment. 

Cheers,   Steve   K7LXC
Tower Tech 
Champion Radio Products

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>From Timo" <timo.klimoff at kolumbus.fi  Tue Jun 26 17:57:39 2001
From: Timo" <timo.klimoff at kolumbus.fi (Timo)
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 19:57:39 +0300
Subject: [CQ-Contest] The best QSOs/hour on SSB/CW
References: <000c01c0fe57$bfc5e040$1d471c41 at kc.rr.com>
Message-ID: <004d01c0fe61$24d38a60$90c5f83e at tklimoff>

> I think the highest rate ever achieved was by N5TJ operating EA8BH in 1999
> CQ WW SSB.  He had a support crew that included OH2BH.  A superb contest
> station and great conditions but also a great operator.  

The best hour at EA8BH was 353 qs. But Jeff had a steady high rate through the contest. So Jeff's result at P40L should be the record.

I believe that N5TJ (again! who's that guy?) did CW record at EA8BH last year in CQWWCW - around 250 qs/hr.

For your interest:

EA8BH Formula 1 approach story by OH2BH:

73, Timo OH1NOA

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