[CQ-Contest] Stacking - it's not just for yagis

K3BU at aol.com K3BU at aol.com
Wed Jun 27 23:34:39 EDT 2001

In a message dated 6/27/01 9:02:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
nd5s at ix.netcom.com writes:

> I wear tri-focals and ended up going to the added expense to have a second
>  pair of glasses made up with my tri-focal "center" vision covering the top
>  3/4 of the lens and a reading segment at the bottom.  In other words, a 
>  of bi-focals for the computer and for reading.  I now have clear,
>  straight-ahead vision, of the computer monitor.  I wouldn't want it any
>  other way.
>  Ron ND5S

I solved the glasses problem by finding single focal "computer" glasses at 
Price Club for the distance between my eyes and rigs front panels and 
computer screen. No need for bifocals. I arrange left and right radios on the 
angle on both sides, with notebook in the center. With ThinkPad, screen and 
keyboard are within the focusing range of "single focal" length.

As clarification to previous posts, for logging I use small IBM ThinkPad 500 
with B/W LCD (one of few visible in daylight) and TRlog in 2 radio mode. The 
screen is on the level with front panels of rigs at the desk level, so 
important panels and screen are in the same plane. Switching junk is behind 
the notebook, keyboard in the middle and both hands can tune both rigs 
simultaneously, no confusion. I found ThinkPad to be great for the logging, 
nice compact, no need for eyes to wander around. Now to unlearn two finger 
typing and master the touch typing :-(

Yuri, K3BU

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