[CQ-Contest] Eye Strain

K3BU at aol.com K3BU at aol.com
Fri Jun 29 22:56:14 EDT 2001

In a message dated 6/29/01 9:17:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time, bjk at ihug.co.nz 

> nteresting topic:
>  There is no simple answer and authorities do not agree.
>  The classic rule of thumb distinguishes between local (task) lighting and
>  general lighting of a space.
>  In the case of radio operating the situation is complicated because back 
>  dials and computer screens are involved as well as needing task lighting 
>  writing.
>  All of these have different lighting standards.

One thing to remember, for those of us who have to wear glasses, stronger, 
brighter lights increase the focal focusing range, due to eyes irises opening 
being smaller. This is why I prefer glasses with focal point matched to the 
radio gear arranged in arch, at the same distance from the eyes. That gives 
me sharp picture of all the important faces, screens and dials. Unimportant 
stuff gets fuzzy and dont bother me :-)

Those days when I could operate by the warm glow of dials are gone. 

Yuri, K3BU

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