[CQ-Contest] WAE CW Top 5 M/O USA (1974-2000)

Eric Hall K9GY K9GY at contesting.com
Sat Jun 30 14:28:56 EDT 2001

W4AN is doing a M/O for WAE CW, so I decided to look up the Top 5 M/O USA:

Note: the overall (linear) rate is (QSOs+QTCs)/48 

Yr     Call      Final       QSOs   QTCs   Mults   Overall rate 
1993   KC1XX   1,808,352    1,933   1,931   468       80.5  
1997   KC1XX   1,725,736    1,909   1,909   452       79.5
1999   N3RD    1,685,061    1,913   1,908   441       79.6
1996   N3RD    1,629,315    1,824   1,821   447       75.9
1997   N3RD    1,508,544    1,746   1,746   432       72.8

For an August contest, those rates are pretty darn good! 

73, Eric K9GY

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