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ka9s ka9s at
Sun Mar 4 17:58:04 EST 2001

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To: cq-contest at
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Looking for free contest logging software
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Greetings Contesters:

I'm a very casual and spotty participant in cw contests. Very hit-n-miss
operating. I have a freeware general purpose logging program "Logger
(K4CY)" which I like, but it  is not suited to operating contests. I
would like to know if there are any free contest logging programs for
Windows out there that I can down load. Are there any older versions of
the popular programs that are offered for free?  I won't spend the money
for a current program because frankly, I just don't operate contests
enough to make the cost worth while to me.

Please e-mail me directly, I don't subscribe to this reflector.

Thanks  and 73's Jeff - KA9S

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