[CQ-Contest] Reply to SO2R comments...

Mike Gilmer - N2MG n2mg at contesting.com
Tue Mar 6 06:23:46 EST 2001

This isn't ALWAYS the case, as often I'll ignore a QRL? or QRZ? if I'm 
trying to dig out a call or exchange on my "own" frequency.  It's a risk 
you need to take sometimes.

But 45 seconds of dead air *is* a bit different.

-Mike N2MG

On Tue, 06 March 2001, Dan Weisenburger wrote:

 > It seems to me (in my hardly ever humble opinion)
 > that if a station is neither listening, and able
 > to respond to the QRL, on a frequency - nor
 > is he/she transmitting on said frequency, then
 > he/she is not using the frequency.

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