[CQ-Contest] Reply to SO2R comments...

Mike Gilmer - N2MG n2mg at contesting.com
Tue Mar 6 09:21:37 EST 2001

On Tue, 06 March 2001, "Leigh S. Jones" wrote:

 > Each of you two have come to the "world court" of
 > the reflector hoping
 > we'll resolve the ill will in your favor.  My view
 > is that you're both dead wrong.

No, you're wrong, Leigh.

I never asked the reflector for compassion,
forgiveness or judgement.  I originally used
the "event" to make a point about SO2R perhaps being
a "disadvantage".

John said that he felt there'd be "no cookbook answer"
which is clearly NOT an expectation of a resolution.

 > b) N2MG cannot expect a clear frequency.

I expect NOTHING. I FOUND a clear frequency.  I don't EXPECT it to stay 
that way forever, or even for long.

 > He has done no wrong to K1AR
 > except to bring the incident up in the reflector.

I did not mention John by name or call.  He stood up, like a man, to "take 
the heat" and we're all having some fun with it.

 > This is a
 > demolition derby here, expect collisions.

I'd say it's more like a NASCAR race, with a few bumps and pushes.

- Mike N2MG

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