[CQ-Contest] SR2Q -- Did it ever happen to you???

Spencer Lazar slazar19 at sgi.net
Thu Mar 8 19:26:02 EST 2001

Hello Bob,

I guess you never had the pleasure of working KH6IJ, he routinely
worked 2 & 3 stations at a time in a contest (cw). In sweepstakes
with a long exchange he would work two stations without either one

I'm sure many on this reflector have their own story about him,
KH6IJ may be gone but never forgotten.

Spike W9XR

At 12:07 PM 3/8/01 +0100, you wrote:
 >Hello all,
 >I will shortly explain the acronim!
 >SR2Q  --> Single Report 2 QSOs
 >This never happened to me before, so I'm wondering how
 >many times this could have happened to other people
 >and how frequent this could be!
 >More in deep:
 >it was the ARRL DX CW when I was IR2V qrp on 10m.
 >I was scanning the band when found W9XT (Wi)
 >a new mult, with K3II few Hz lower.
 >I call W9XT, and them both heard me and answered with their report.
 >I sent mine and put them both into log.
 >If this fact could happen, the second occurrence sound like
 >a World Guinness!
 >It happens that, few minutes (7) later, I found K0GN (Mo), another
 >new mult, wich is weak and just under W3RJ quite louder.
 >I make my call and, again, both answered, so another
 >report and two qsos in the log!
 >Here the log extract, with my on line comments!
 >  10CW  18-Feb-01 15:52   74  W9XT        *  599  599 Wi             Wi
 >  10CW  18-Feb-01 15:52   75  K3II        *  599  599 Pa
 >; 18-Feb-01 15:53 : fatti tutti e due con la stessa chiamata!!!!
 >  10CW  18-Feb-01 15:57   76  N4RV        *  599  599 Va
 >  10CW  18-Feb-01 15:59   77  K0GN        *  599  599 Mo             Mo
 >  10CW  18-Feb-01 15:59   78  W3RJ           599  599 Pa
 >; 18-Feb-01 15:59 : anche questi due con un colpo solo!!
 >It was really funny and that fact rewarded me enough for that time!
 >Bob,I2WIJ (IR2V in contest)

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>From Leigh S. Jones" <kr6x at kr6x.com  Fri Mar  9 02:09:13 2001
From: Leigh S. Jones" <kr6x at kr6x.com (Leigh S. Jones)
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 18:09:13 -0800
Subject: [CQ-Contest] the pleasure of working KH6IJ
Message-ID: <01c501c0a83d$f01abf10$ede3c23f at kr6x.org>

KH6IJ was definitely a leading influence in the world of contesting.
I became aware of him before I received my first ham ticket.  In those
days, his 4 element 20 meter yagi was described in a construction
article in QST magazine.  When, as an SWL, I heard him operating a
phone contest, I was thrilled to be able to make the mental connection
between his signal and his aluminum.

I remember my first contest contact with KH6IJ.  He was sending quite
crisp and error free code with an electronic keyer, while I was guest
operating at WB6MSU and using an electronic keyer for the first time.
Rather than trying to match his code speed and forcing myself to send
a continuous stream of errors during the exchange, I sped up to the
maximum speed that I could expect to handle the keyer (I being more
adapted to sending with a bug) and felt myself lucky to complete the
contact without completely embarrassing myself.  At the time, he was
handling a continuous stream of callers with great precision, and it
seemed unlikely that anyone in the contest could possibly top such a
superb effort.  However, being so far away from the continent did
prevent him from being the perennial SS champion, despite his obvious

Later, I visited him in Hawaii and had lunch with him in the cafeteria
of the college where he was a professor.  Then, sadly, when I became a
constant fixture on the bands during DX contests, I seemed to have
gotten on his nerves.  Although he'd generally send his callsign at
the end of every CW QSO, he often finished phone QSOs with the common
"QSL QRZ?", so I'd drop a "What's your call?" into the pileup or
sometimes send my callsign hoping to get a chance to figure out who
this was.  About 50 times a contest.  Drove him crazy.  He never did
like me after I started doing phone contests...

Nonetheless, he continues to be among the top few of my idols in

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