[CQ-Contest] SR2Q -- Did it ever happen to you???

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Fri Mar 9 17:10:19 EST 2001

At 08:37 AM 3/9/01 -0000, Tim Makins,  EI8IC wrote:
 >Yep - I even had this from Mr. Big (that's KC1XX !) Happened a couple more
 >times in ARRL CW, and in one of them, I didn't get the call of one of the
 >guys - too eager for a mult, I guess. The only way to be sure you've had a
 >QSO with someone is when they send you your callsign - isn't that right ???

Like a lot of things, I suspect this is a matter of shadings, rather than
black and white.  When I'm running more or less in the clear, I feel
confident relying on timing to identify who is calling me, vs who's calling
someone else nearby -- that and making sure his/her frequency is within
100-200 HZ of mine.

Particularly on the high bands, where you can't necessarily hear your
relatively nearby competitor, sometimes things just get to sound a little
bit "off."  People seem to be coming back a bit too soon, or a bit too late
(particularly the former).  In that case, rather than try to retrain the
callers into sending my call too, I consciously stretch a CQ a bit, give my
call an extra time, or anything to break up the synchronization that could
be an ambiguous situation.

I've found that sometimes, on those bands, I can run very close to another
US station with both of us maintaining quite satisfactory rates, as long as
we're far enough out of sync.

73, Pete N4ZR
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