[CQ-Contest] 2001 High Speed RTTY SPRINT

Robert J Chudek k0rc at pclink.com
Sun Mar 11 00:13:31 EST 2001

I was asleep at the switch this year regarding announcing the 2001 High
Speed RTTY Sprint.  This contest is scheduled for the second Sunday of
March each year.  Let's see if we can generate some activity with less
than 24 hours notice!

  *** Announcement of the 2001 High Speed RTTY Sprint ***

    0)  Purpose: To build operator skill using high speed rtty.

    1)     Date: Sunday, March 11, 2001.

    2)     Time: 18:00 - 22:00 UTC, no rest periods.

    3)    Bands: 10, 15, 20, 40, and 80 meter rtty segments.

    4)     Mode: Baudot only.

    5)    Speed: 74.2 baud, which is the same as 100 wpm.

    6)    Power: Up to 1500 watts will be tolerated.

    7)  Calling: CQ HSS.

    8) Exchange: RST + sequential serial number.

    9)  Scoring: SARTG RTTY contest scoring rules.

   10)     Logs: Post your summary sheet to the internet WF1B reflector.

   11)   Awards: Reflector accolades from your rtty peers.

   2001 CONTEST SPONSORS: Click & Ding!

   UE de Bob - K0RC
   UE de Al  - KD8FS


Now that the solar index is up from the doldrums, 15 and 10 meter rtty
activity is in full bloom.  Expect to work the high bands during the
2001 High Speed Sprint.  When you review the SARTG scoring system at:
http://home.online.no/~janalme/htmlrules/sartg.html  you will see
multipliers are counted on a per-band basis, thereby encouraging you to
rework stations on each band.  Needless to say, propagation strategy is
important in this 4-hour event.  Balancing the need for QSO rate against
logging new multipliers will add to the challenge of this year's High
Speed Sprint.

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