[CQ-Contest] Contest ears

N7RX n7rx at arrl.net
Wed Mar 14 17:20:38 EST 2001

 >Obviously, those who have spent a lot of
 >time listening to weak CW signals have developed better "DSPs"
 >inside their brain.

Absolutely. I just bought a Mark V and I am unpersuaded that its any better
than my old IC765. I've been finding that I can process the audio bandwidth
on the 765 better than the M5's DSP gadgetry by a long shot. You can go a long
way with a great reciever and no peripheral equipment, but you can have all
the peripheral equipment money can buy and if your receiver sucks, well, your
receiver sucks. (Which isn't to say that the M5 sucks.)

Thanks for the interesting WAV. I've never heard moonbounce, before.

73 Neal N7RX

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