[CQ-Contest] Re: [3830] I can feel the heat! Fwoosh!

George Fremin III - K5TR geoiii at kkn.net
Mon Mar 26 11:07:04 EST 2001

On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 09:37:09AM -0800, Scott Robbins wrote:
> Boy, have I ever been burnt to a crisp by the email 
> I received in response to my suggestion that TO5T
> should be disqualified for not following the rules of
> the WPX SSB contest.  I've received email saying
> everything from "prove it" to "keep your mouth shut"
> and "who cares, anyway".  I did get one message from
> someone who observed the same behavior I did, though.

That is too bad.

I do not think self spotting or asking your pileup to 
spot you are within the rules of this contest.  The rules 
do not spell it out very clearly but it is clear that no
self spotting is allowed for the Assisted catagory and 
I would think this would apply to the multi-op catagory as well.


I think it is clear that all of the contest sponsors need to decide how 
they feel about this sort of behavior and make a clear statement
in the rules they publish.


George Fremin III                 
Johnson City, Texas             "Experiment trumps theory." 
K5TR (ex.WB5VZL)                            -- Dave Leeson W6NL
geoiii at kkn.net                             

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