[CQ-Contest] Name and Shame

Stewart Cooper coopersg at odl.co.uk
Tue Mar 27 08:49:28 EST 2001

Jim White, K4OJ said...
 >IF THEY BROKE THE RULES, SO BE IT...they pay the price.

Whilst not directly related to this issue, apparently not...

AN1RCM worked KS3F on 3831khz at 0450z on Saturday 'simplex'.
I get sick and tired of Europeans working out of band and breaking not only
the rules of the contest, but the terms of their license too. I have better
things to do than write down all the EU stations I hear working out of band,
but there are lots. US stations should be more aware of the band limits in
other parts of the world too.
Well done, Scott. Name and shame!

Stewart GM4AFF

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cq-contest at contesting.com
[mailto:owner-cq-contest at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Jim White, K4OJ
Sent: 26 March 2001 21:48
To: Scott Robbins; tcg at k4ro.net; 3830 at contesting.com;
cq-contest at contesting.com; n8bjq at erinet.com; w2dr at msn.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: [3830] I can feel the heat! Fwoosh!

It would be a mistake to NOT highlight behaviour which goes against the
rules, do NOT go into a hole, Scott - although I agree rulesa abuses
certainly are more apparent on phone weekends!

IF THEY BROKE THE RULES, SO BE IT...they pay the price.

More and MORE self policing is needed, not cops but people like W4PA willing
to step forward when abuses of the rules such as self spotting and dummy
spotting are used...I did not operate this weekend and cannot attest to the
validity of your claims...knowing W4PA I feel he would not have made them
however if they were not well founded.

I think W4PA did the right thing...but what do I know, I don't own a


----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Robbins <w4pa at yahoo.com>
To: <tcg at k4ro.net>; <3830 at contesting.com>; <cq-contest at contesting.com>;
<n8bjq at erinet.com>; <w2dr at msn.com>
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 09:37 AM
Subject: [3830] I can feel the heat! Fwoosh!

 > Hi folks!
 > Boy, have I ever been burnt to a crisp by the email
 > I received in response to my suggestion that TO5T
 > should be disqualified for not following the rules of
 > the WPX SSB contest.  I've received email saying
 > everything from "prove it" to "keep your mouth shut"
 > and "who cares, anyway".  I did get one message from
 > someone who observed the same behavior I did, though.
 > QSL!
 > The ethics of the SSB contesting community have spoken
 > collectively, and the vast majority have said I should
 > shut my mouth and why do I care anyway?
 > I only care, 'cause I happen to like contesting.
 > I've got the message!  ....and I'll go back in my hole
 > and start operating only CW again, where at least some
 > ethical consideration is still in play (I hope).
 > Scott Robbins, W4PA
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