[CQ-Contest] Contest this weekend

Doug Grant k1dg at ix.netcom.com
Sat Mar 31 11:24:03 EST 2001


The 42nd Annual Poisson d'Avril Contest
Starts: 0001 Sunday, April 1, 2001           Ends:  2359 Sunday, April 1,

I. Contest Period:

Only 36 hours of the 24 hour contest period permitted for Single Operator
stations. Off periods must be a minimum of 29 minutes, 30 seconds in length
and clearly marked in the log. Listening time counts as operating time.
Bathroom breaks count as operating time. Rest breaks count as operating
time. Conjugal visits definitely count as "operating" time, if you catch our
drift. Multi-Operator stations may operate the full 24 hours. Operation may
take place before, during, or well after the contest period. Whatever works
for you. This is just a hobby.

II. Objective:

Object of the contest is for amateurs around the world to contact as many
amateurs or professionals in other parts of the world as possible during the
contest period by using any means at their disposal while keeping in mind
that this is just a hobby.

III. Bands:

The 1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21, and 28 MHz bands may be used. No WARC bands. Except
maybe 17 meters, because propagation there is cool.

IV. Types of Competition (for all categories):

All entrants must operate within the limits of their chosen category when
performing any activity that could impact their submitted score.
Transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500 kilometer diameter
circle, oval or square or within the property limits of the station
licensee, whichever is greater. Club stations owned by government agencies
may locate transmitters anywhere within the country. Stations sponsored by
international agencies such as 4U1UN and 4U1ITU may locate transmitters
pretty much anywhere they want. All antennas must be physically connected by
wires to the transmitters and receivers used by the entrant. Only the
entrant's callsign can be used to aid the entrant's score except that an
entrant may use another station's callsign when spotting himself on packet
or Internet spotting nets.

1. Single Operator High Power (Single Band and All Band)
(a) Single operator stations are those at which one person performs all of
the operating, logging, and spotting functions. If you use computer logging,
it must be on your own homebrew computer, using software you wrote yourself,
and processor chips you fabricated yourself using silicon you dug up
yourself on implanters you built yourself. Otherwise you will be placed in
the Assisted category along with your entry. Only one transmitted signal is
allowed at any time. "Time" as defined here includes the rise and fall times
of keyed CW waveforms to the 10 and 90% points. The Clinton definition of
"Is" applies. There are no power limits.
(b) Low Power: Same as 1(a) except that output power shall not exceed 1500
watts or the legal limit in the entrant's country, since most high-power
single-op stations run really really high power anyway. Exception: In
countries where the power limit is 300 Watts, low power entrants may use as
much power as they want. Stations in this category will compete with other
low power stations only.
(c) QRP/p: Same as 1(a) except that output power shall not exceed 5 watts.
Stations in this category will compete with other QRP/p stations only, and
should not attempt to contact stations with high rates, since it's just too
hard to pull the weak ones out.
(d) Assisted: Same as 1(a) except pretty much anything goes. Spotting nets,
high power, even logging errors are acceptable. All guest-operated stations
will automatically be entered in this category. All operators using
commercially-built equipment will, too. And anyone who doesn't do ALL his
own antenna work, including climbing his own tower. Stations in this
category will compete with other Assisted stations only, because they'll
never beat the top unassisted guys anyway (exceptions: K3WW and KI1G).

2. Multi-Operator (All band operation only)
(a) Single-Transmitter: Only one transmitter and one band permitted during
the same time period (defined as 10 minutes). Exception: One-and only
one-other band may be used during any 10-minute period if-and only if-the
station worked is a new multiplier or a friend if - and only if - you work
him on the first call AND he gets your call and exchange correct with no
repeats AND if-and-only-if you are a new multiplier for him too. Logs found
in violation of the 10-minute rule will be probably be reclassified as
multi-multi. See Log Submissions for exceptions.
(b) Multi-Transmitter: No limit to transmitters, power, signals, locations,
or running stations allowed per band. Anything goes. But remember, this is
just a hobby.

V. Exchange:

RS(T) report plus a progressive contact three-digit serial number starting
with 001 for the first contact. (Continue to four digits if past 999.
Continue to 5 digits only if your call is N5TJ or N6KT). Multi-operator
multi-transmitter stations use separate serial numbers for each band unless
the logging software makes it too hard. Hyphenated numbers may be used
instead (160-001, 80-123, etc.). Multi-single station may issue hyphenated
serial numbers with letters to indicate which radio is used to make the
contact (811-A, 572-B, etc).

VI. Points:

(a) Contacts between stations on different continents are worth  3.14 points
on 28, 21, and 14 MHz and sixteen (16) points on 7, 3.5, and 1.8 MHz.
(b) Contacts between stations in the same country, but different continents,
are worth one (1) point on 28, 7, and 1.8 MHz and two (2) points on 21, 14,
and 3.5 MHz. Exception: For North American stations only-contacts between
stations outside the North American boundaries (both stations must be
located outside North America) are worth twelve (12) points on 28, 21, and
14 MHz and fourteen (14) points on 7, 3.5, and 1.8 MHz. If this section of
the rules is too complicated, don't worry - only the logging program writers
need to read it anyway.
(c) Contacts between stations in the same country are worthless but can be
fun! This is just a hobby.

VII. Multiplier:

The multiplier is the number of "valid" prefixes, suffixes, zones and
countries worked. A PREFIX is counted only once regardless of the number of
times the same prefix is worked. A SUFFIX is counted as many times as the
same suffix is worked. Zones can be either ITU or CQ zones.your choice.
Countries are real countries.who ever decided to call them "entities"
anyway? Sheesh. In fact, operation in this contest from an "entity" too
small to be considered a "country" by normal people is prohibited. This is
just a hobby.

(a) A PREFIX is the letter/numeral combination which forms the first part of
the amateur call. Examples: N8, W8, WD8, HG1, HG19, KC2, OE2, OE25, etc. Any
difference in the numbering, lettering, or order of same shall constitute a
separate prefix. A station operating from a DXCC country different from that
indicated by its callsign is required to sign portable. The portable prefix
must be an authorized prefix of the country/call area of operation. In cases
of portable operation, the portable designator will then become the prefix.
Example: K1DG operating from Wake Island would sign K1AR/KH9 or KH9AR/NH9.
KH6XXX operating from Ohio must use an authorized prefix for the U.S. 8th
district (W8, KH8, KH6, etc.) Portable designators without numbers will be
assigned a zero (0) after the second letter of the portable designator to
form the prefix. Example: K1AR/ PA would become P50. All calls without
numbers will be assigned part of the operator's name to form the prefix.
Example: XEFTJW would count as "Diego". Maritime mobile, mobile, /A, /E, /J,
/P, or interim license class identifiers do not count as prefixes. Lorem
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh
euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat. Ut wisi
enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit
lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Anything not counted as a
prefix counts as a suffix.
(b) Special event, commemorative, and other unique prefix or suffix stations
are encouraged to participate. Prefixes must be assigned by the licensing
authority of the country of operation. Or you can make something up. Just
don't get caught.

VII. Scoring:

1. Single Operator: (a) All Band score = total QSO points from all bands
multiplied by the number of different prefixes, suffixes, zones, countries,
etc. worked (prefixes are counted only once, but suffixes are counted a lot
of times). (b) Single band score = total QSO points on the band multiplied
by the number of different multipliers heard or worked.
2. Multi Operator: Scoring is the same as Single Operator, All Band.
Determine the scores made by each operator and multiply them.
3. A station may be worked once on each band for QSO point credit.
Multiplier credit can be taken only once. OK, twice.

IX. QRP/p Section:

Single Operator only. When making a QSO, you must send your callsign 5
times, with "/QRP/P" appended, no matter how loud the station you are
calling might be. You must denote QRP/p on the summary sheet and state the
actual maximum output power used for all claimed contacts. Results will be
listed in a separate QRP/p section published in an obscure academic journal,
and certificates will be awarded to each top-scoring QRP/p station in the
order indicated in Section XI.

X. Low Power Section:

Single Operator only. You must indicate low power on the summary sheet and
state the actual maximum output power used for all claimed contacts unless
you are cheating and using more power than permitted. Then just lie about
it - if it doesn't bother you, it certainly won't bother us. Results will be
listed in a separate low power section and certificates will be awarded to
each top-scoring low power station in the order indicated in Section XI.

XI Awards:

Certificates will be awarded to the highest scoring station in each category
listed under Section IV-
1. In every participating country
2. In each call area of the United States, Canada, Australia, and Asiatic
All scores will be published. To be eligible for an award, a single operator
station must show a minimum of 12 hours of operation and multi-operator
stations must show a minimum of 24 hours of operation.
A single band log will be eligible for a single band award only. If a log
contains more than one band, it will be judged as an all band entry unless
specified otherwise. In countries or sections where entries justify, second-
and third-place awards will be made. Maybe.

XII. Trophies, Plaques, and Donors:

Trophies and plaques will be awarded to the top scorer in any category for
which the entrant agrees to pay for a trophy or plaque. In other words, if
you are in this for a piece of wood with your callsign on it, go out and buy
one. You can even put whatever score you want. EXCEPTION: Only the contest
organizer or other entrant whose birthday happens to fall during the contest
period is permitted to purchase a plaque or trophy for "First Place" in any
and all categories. It's my contest and I'll win if I want to and there's
nothing you can do about it. Neener, neener, neener. But remember this is
just a hobby.

XIII. Club Competition:

A trophy will be awarded each year to the club or group that has the highest
aggregate scores from logs submitted by members. The club must be a local
group and not a national organization, but for a few bucks, we'll be happy
to stretch the definition of "local". Participation is limited to members
operating within a local geographical area (exception: DXpeditions specially
organized for operation in the contest and manned by members or friends).
Indicate your club affiliation on the summary sheet. To be eligible for an
award, a minimum of three logs must be received from a club. And suitable
monetary compensation offered to the Committee. We accept AMEX, MC, V, and
cash. No checks or IRCs.

XIV. Log Instructions:

(a) All times must be in GMT, but feel free to screw this up in your logging
program. We enjoy trying to figure out if you forgot to set your computer
clock to GMT, daylight savings time, or whatever.. All breaks must be
clearly marked. Photos of conjugal-visit breaks must be posted on the
Internet. Single operator and multi-single logs must be submitted in
chronological order. Multi-multi logs must be submitted chronologically by
(b) All sent, received, and imagined exchanges are to be logged.
(c) Multipliers should be entered only the FIRST TIME they are worked unless
you work them again.
(d) Logs must be checked for duplicate contacts, correct QSO points, and
multipliers. Duplicate contacts must be clearly shown, but it is not
necessary to remove them from the log. Computerized logs must be checked for
typing accuracy, and an encrypted checksum for each line must  be computed
using standard NSA algorithms. Original logs may be requested if further
cross-checking is required. But we never do it, so don't worry, be happy.
This is just a hobby.
(f) An alpha/numeric check list of claimed multipliers must be submitted
with your log. Be creative.
(g) Each entry must be accompanied by a Summary Sheet listing all scoring
information, the category of competition, and the entrant's name and mailing
address in smeared, indecipherable letters. We're never going to send your
certificate anyway, so it doesn't matter. Also submit a signed declaration
that all contest rules and regulations for amateur radio in the country of
operation have been observed. You can lie about this, though.
(g) Official log and summary sheets are available from the Poisson d'Avril
Contest Committee for an SASE with sufficient postage and cash.
(g) Electronic submission of logs is encouraged, and in fact required for
all top scoring entrants and all who use a computer to log or prepare the
logs or their taxes. The BRILLO format is preferred.  Please insure that you
fill out all of the header information including your club affiliation and
whatever else you think is important.  If you submit a BRILLO log, no
additional summary sheet is required.  If you cannot submit a BRILLO log,
you  must buy a registered copy of the logging programs you've been
pirating. If the log is not in BRILLO format, a separate summary sheet is
required.  Please name your files with yourcall and the file type.  Example:
K1AR submits a BRILLO file, which, as usual has been "padded" with extra
calls and multipliers.  It should be named K1DG.PAD.  If K1AR chose to
submit a non-BRILLO file such as a ".SOS", the log must first be scrubbed
clean. Logs sent on disk should be on 20GB or larger hard disk drives if
possible. The Committee needs to upgrade its computer.

Logs may be submitted via e-mail to <POISSON at dotdash.org>.  Non-BRILLO
internet or disk submissions require a summary sheet as well as the log
file. All logs received via e-mail will be confirmed via e-mail. A listing
of logs received can be found on the Poisson d'Avril website at
<http://www.poisson.com > and will be updated frequently. Maybe. This is
just a hobby.

XV. Disqualification:

Violation of amateur radio regulations in the country of the contestant, or
the rules of the contest, unsportsmanlike conduct, taking credit for
excessive duplicate contacts, unverifiable QSOs or multipliers, or any
operating behavior that draws two or more negative comments on CQ-Contest
will be deemed sufficient cause for disqualification. An entrant whose log
is deemed by the Poisson d'Avril Contest Committee to contain a large number
of discrepancies may be disqualified as a participant operator or station
for a period of one year, or may be moved up in the standings if we think it
was creative enough. If within a five-year period the operator is
disqualified a second time, he will be ineligible for any contest awards
from any of the major sponsoring organizations for life.
The use of non-amateur means such as telephones, telegrams, carrier pigeons,
word-of-mouth, paid advertising on cable channels, internet, or fringe
amateur radio means such as packet, PSK31, RTTY, SSTV, moonbounce, etc., to
solicit contacts or multipliers during the contest is unsportsmanlike and
the entry is subject to disqualification. This means maybe we will and maybe
we won't. Actions and decisions of the P d'A Contest Committee are official,
capricious, arbitrary, and final.

XIII. Deadline:

All entries must be postmarked NO LATER than April 2, 2001. E-mail logs are
also subject to these deadlines. One extension of up to 30 days, for
legitimate or creative reasons, may be granted if requested, but probably
won't be. Logs postmarked after the deadline, or extension deadline if
granted, may be listed in the results, but will be ineligible for any awards
unless cash is included. All logs go to: Poisson d'Avril Contest, 2 Mitchell
Pond Road, Windham, NH 03087. Questions pertaining to the Pd'A Contest can
be sent to diddydumdumdiddy at contesting.com or anyone you want. They won't
answer you and neither will we. This is just a hobby.

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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