[CQ-Contest] Advice on CW/contest rig for $1000-$2000?

Tree N6TR tree at kkn.net
Wed May 2 20:55:25 EDT 2001

 >  > The TS-570DG is a terrible radio for contesting.  From what I understand,
 >  > it can't transmit and talk to a computer at the same time.  Kenwood
 >  > has been unwilling to admit there is a problem, and therefore we have
 >  > no idea if it has been fixed.
 > Of course, TS570 CAN talk to the computer while transmitting.
 > In fact, the computer interface is much better than one on FT1000Mk5,
 > and you can control almost everything.

Maybe it has been fixed - but when the radio came out, the CW
would be interrupted when sending a command from the program.
I had to add a feature to my logging program to inhibit polling
the radio while sending CW.


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