[CQ-Contest] Band-pass filters -- insertion loss

JayTerleski jayt at arraysolutions.com
Thu May 3 21:23:23 EDT 2001

Let me try to handle this for Array Solutions.

My insertion loss is published on the webpages as well as detailed
curves of a typical filter.

K6XX has measured the ICE and Dunestars and has it on his webpages. Make
sure you look at them.

Bottom line our insertion Loss is about half the others, at .2 to .3 for
the W3NQN filters design we use.

My filters come with serial numbers and test sheet for your filter,
which includes insertion loss in band and out of band rejection at
various frequencies. It is measured on calibrated HP equipment and we
certify the results to you with the specification certificate.  These
are made and tuned by a Mil Spec certified house, RME Filters. Just like
we do for the military business we do.  I am now the sales manager for
RME filers by the way, to fully disclose my position with them. But they
were building my filters before I accepted the position with them. They
do very good work. www.rmefilters.com is their websit. We are
specializing in microwave cavity filters now which is a big business
with the wideband ISP world.

The Array Solution filters can be brought back to spec if you pop one
since we document them so well. We keep a copy of the specs for every
filter sold by serial number.

They are relatively expensive but for the right reasons.

Jay, WX0B

Pete Smith wrote:
 > In some current research on SO2R, I was reminded recently that nothing's
 > for free.  One well-known SO2R op commented that he got only 80 watts out
 > of the bandpass filters that follow his 100-watt class radios, which in
 > turn means he can not drive his 3-500Z amps to full output.
 > Is this typical of the bandpass filters available today -- ICE, Dunestar,
 > Array Solutions?  Anything to choose among them in this respect, or others?
 > Thanks in advance.
 > 73, Pete N4ZR
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Jay Terleski
Array Solutions - RME Filters
Phased Arrays - Horizontal and Vertical
RF Switches, Antennas & Towers

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