[CQ-Contest] QSLing

Tom Baugh AE9B tombaugh at discoverynet.com
Fri May 4 05:42:19 EDT 2001


I must agree. After the sweepstakes, I thought it would be neat to assemble
all of the cards in the sweep and put together a collagge with them. After
sending a SASE with a little note thanking and telling them of my intentions
I had  about 40 of 80 cards. I re-sent the missing forty and even E-Mailed
those I could find with EMail a second and third request. I now have 60 of
80 cards with no hope of getting the rest. What was really appaulling was
this. One of our top beloved DXER/Contesters said in an EMAIL "I was using
my home call in that contest, I don't qsl with that call. I'm usually on
DXpeditions using other calls and someone else takes care of those QSL's".
WHAT?  WHAT? You don't qsl with that call? who are you? Some people are just
born jerks I guess. Enjoy what you can Merri, someone will invariably try to
stick a screwdriver in your spokes.

Tom Baugh

tombaugh at discoverynet.com

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