[CQ-Contest] Contest QSLing

ted demopoulos kr1g at hotmail.com
Sat May 5 01:01:27 EDT 2001

Hmmm, then obviously you haven't seen the VL0LD QSLs 
from  <http://www.eQSL.cc>www.eQSL.cc for six meters that are signed by 
Romeo! In its current incarnation it is quite insecure. I'm a security guy 
- its my job. Right now its a *great* way to exchange QSL images (thats 
pretty pictures boys and girls), but not confirm QSOs.

For the record, I *like* paper QSLs, AND am looking forward to the 
generally accepted and secure eQSL system which should exist in the next 
year or so, whether its from the ARRL, <http://www.eQSL.cc>www.eQSL.cc, or 
anyone else.

Paper QSLs for the wall, eQSLs for confirmation


Ted, KR1G

PS: Money from controlling QSLing??? I don't get it? I'm sure some QSL 
managers make a little, but most lose.

 >4) The claims that the eQSL process is flawed and does not secure the
 >delivery and receipt of "confirmation reports" is simply smoke to disquise
 >the real intent of the ARRL--fees my friends. Money talks bull_ _ _ _

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