[CQ-Contest] SMC, Hooters and FREE WINGS

Kurszewski Chad-WCK005 Chad.Kurszewski at motorola.com
Wed May 16 11:32:27 EDT 2001

The Society of Midwest Contesters is having a "Garage Party"
at the Hooters of Dayton.  (Techincally, Centerville.)
Map here:  http://hooters.know-where.com/hooters/cgi/site?107

We have the "Garage" reserved, and they will be serving
us all-you-can-eat wings, for free.  (Can't beat that!)

Everyone is invited to join us, THURSDAY (tomorrow!!) at 7PM.

If we don't see you there, hopefully we can hook up at the
SMC's hospitality suite on Friday and Saturday in Room 1201
of Crown Plaza.

Chad WE9V

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