[CQ-Contest] Soundtrack from WRTC2000 video

Steve Lund wa8lly at pacbell.net
Tue May 22 21:46:09 EDT 2001

"Kenneth E. Harker" wrote:
>     I really enjoyed seeing the video of WRTC 2000 that was presented at
> Dayton.  I guess it isn't ready for release just yet, but I was wondering
> if the contesting songs used in the soundtrack were available anywhere?

The CD is called "Seek You" by The Ham Band from 1994. It's by Andrew,
G3WZZ, and his XYL, Lissa. It was done on Last Resort Records. A search
using www.google.com found many references, but no listings of sellers.
I believe that a company in Idaho sold them in the US. The songs are
great - any DXer/contester will recognize themself.

Steve K6UM

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