[CQ-Contest] What Radio? / SO2R

Stewart Cooper coopersg at odl.co.uk
Fri May 25 10:26:00 EDT 2001

Just my two pennies worth...
I use two TS940's and the similarity of the radios certainly helps. And in
spite of their age they are still very viable radios too. I've used a lot of
radios and still like these. The only radio I used recently that felt better
was (and I surprised myself here - I like Kenwood) an IC775DSP.
I don't do that well, but the radios don't hinder me! They may not help
Good luck

Stewart GM4AFF/GM0F

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cq-contest at contesting.com
[mailto:owner-cq-contest at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Richard Thorne
Sent: 24 May 2001 16:45
To: CQ Contest (mail list)
Subject: [CQ-Contest] What Radio? / SO2R

I'm pondering purchasing a new radio, i.e. a used 1000mp.  But this
question is not so much about what radio but the thought process of
buying a rig.

In my mind, if your contesting you shouldn't be twiddling a bunch of
knobs that you find on the high end radios.  It seems to me that your
fingers should be doing one of two things, either logging calls while
running stations or twisting the vfo during search and pounce.

To that end wouldn't it be better to have a couple of good reliable
contest rigs like the trusty old TS-850 or FT-990.  Or possibly a couple
of FT-920's?  Spending the $$ on a pair of lower end rigs also gives you
the ability of swapping rigs if one happens to go down.

I know the 850's did very well in a multi transmitter environment and if
I remember from my N4ZC multi days, the 990 did well too.  How about the
newer FT-920, how is it holding up in multi transmitter environments?
Or maybe the 570 or 870?

So I guess the real question is, should one spend the $$ on one high end
rig, or on a pair of lower end rigs.

Richard Thorne
Amarillo, TX

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