[CQ-Contest] V**** warning (List related -- not an urban legend)

David Robbins k1ttt at berkshire.net
Fri May 25 11:48:59 EDT 2001

<00f101c0e4b7$97713220$9eac0a0a at selfsimilar>
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unfortunately this won't help.  most of those worm viruses work on the address
list the user has on their machine.  i have received several copies of the
hybris worm that probably originated from list users because they used 'reply
all' or added me to their address book from a message posted on the 
list.  in no
case has a virus made it through a reflector as they strip the attachments.
also it is not always easy to figure out just who sent the virus, the hybris
worm strips the user mailbox name so all you can find is the originating server
which is usually just some isp's  address.

Sylvan Katz wrote:
 > I encountered this problem on another contesting.com list. The problem
 > arises because someone on the reflector has the BADTRANS virus [ alias
 > IWorm_Badtrans, I-Worm]. For details about this virus see
 > http://www.europe.f-secure.com/v-descs/badtrans.shtml . The way I handled
 > the problem was to send a message to the list moderator,  provide the email
 > address from which the virus originated and asked if this individual could
 > be dropped from the reflector until they disinfected their machine.
 > Unfortunately it did not help to send a message to the individual with the
 > infected computer since all that did was prompt the infected machine to send
 > me the virus again.
 > .. sylvan
 > ----------------
 > Sylvan Katz
 > VE5ZX & G0TZX
 > Saskatoon, SK

David Robbins K1TTT
e-mail: mailto://k1ttt@berkshire.net
web: http://www.berkshire.net/~robbins/k1ttt.html or http://www.k1ttt.net
AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://k1ttt.net

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