[CQ-Contest] SS observations ( kinda long)

David O Hachadorian k6ll at juno.com
Mon Nov 5 11:29:40 EST 2001

On Sun, 4 Nov 2001 23:03:35 EST KI9A at aol.com writes:
> Well, I sit here Sunday night after another fun SSCW.  I can't help 
> to ponder 
> if (when?) the CAC may change the SS rules to help cure the Sunday 
> doldrums.

I totally agree. This contest is WAY too long, and high
power is completely unnecessary. The USA/Canada wreck the
bands worldwide. Sunday is a boring drag,
and the top scores all start to converge, because there
is a limited pool of stations to work. This scoring
convergence itself is a powerful indicator that the game is

My recommendation would be to enhance this contest by changing
it to 18 out of 24 hours, low power or QRP only. CW could
be even shorter, but 18 seems to be a reasonable compromise
between CW and SSB, where there are more stations to work.
The 24 hour period would span an entire diurnal propagation
cycle, helping to equalize conditions geographically.

I have sent copies of this message to all members of the 
ARRL Contest Advisory Committee, and urge others to likewise
express their opinion to the people who make the rules.
Their e-mail addresses should be in the header of this message,
and are also listed below.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ
K6LL at juno.com

ARRL CAC Members:

k2ua at arrl.net 
k9ig at contesting.com 
jbaumgarte at aol.com 
jdroller at tricon.net 
k8cc@ mediaone.net 
k2wr at arrl.net 
k0rx at arrl.net 
dave_hoaglin at abtassoc.com 
n0ax at arrl.net 
n6ig at arrl.net 
k4za at juno.com 
w7ut at infowest.com 
SteveWS4F at aol.com 
estearns1 at home.com 
w5asp at aol.com 
davidshipman at home.com 
k1ki at arrl.org 
contests at arrl.org 

CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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