[CQ-Contest] Need Help Refurbishing the World Contest Station Database

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Wed Nov 14 14:09:44 EST 2001

As some may recall, I made K7ZO's world contest station database available
on the web a couple of years ago.  The database proved quite popular, and
grew to a little over 1500 stations listed by the end of 2000.  It was last
updated last February, though, because I was obliged to do the updating
manually, and it became just too much of a drain on my time.

For the last couple of months, someone had been helping me reprogram the
database and the associated Active Server Pages so that the database could
be both accessed and modified on line.  Unfortunately, my guru (whom I'd
never met) totally dropped out of sight a few weeks ago, leaving the job
partly done but not functional.

If anyone out there is good at ASPs, and particularly database functions
involving them, and is interested in working on such a project for no
compensation (other than the ego gratification of getting credit every time
someone does a lookup), please drop me a note.

73, Pete N4ZR

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Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

>From Paul WR1X" <WR1X at arrl.net  Wed Nov 14 17:31:39 2001
From: Paul WR1X" <WR1X at arrl.net (Paul WR1X)
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 12:31:39 -0500
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Charlotte, NC
Message-ID: <003001c16d32$6ef30fe0$951c29d8 at gis.net>

Good afternoon to all,

There is a young man in Charlotte, NC that is looking for a demonstration of
amateur radio.  He is mostly blind and is in the process of studying through
the Courage handi Ham system.  From what I gather he would like to listen to
a few QSO's and see what Ham radio is really about.  Chris would appreciate
any help that can be given.

Can any contester help?  Please reply to me and I'll send you his address and phone number.

Wishing you a good day and 73,

Paul C. Bolduc

E-mail: WR1X at arrl.net
Amateur radio call:  WR1X

Located in the only town named Royalston in North America

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Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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