[CQ-Contest] 2003 CQ 160 Change Coming

Eric Scace eric at k3na.org
Wed Nov 21 22:52:30 EST 2001

Bill --

   I'm not sure your counter-proposal works at all in the Pacific rim.  As proposed, the contest would start 1 hour before local
sunset in Japan on Japan's Friday evening.  But that's still Thursday night in Hawaii/Alaska and late Thursday night/early Friday
morning on North/South America west coasts.  So that means W6, for instance, all get to listen to JAs operate the contest long
before they can join in.  Likewise, all the JA's finish up at 1 hour past sunrise on the Sunday morning... but that means there will
be no JAs to work on Sunday evening for North/South America.

   Similarly, USA east coast gets to work VK/ZL only one night of the contest: Friday night/Saturday morning... which is Saturday
night/Sunday morning in Australia.

   Personally, I think the 00z-00z format being proposed is OK.  Everyone except the Far East/VK/ZL will work a little bit of their
1st night, all of their 2nd night, and a bit of their 3rd night.  With a 30-hour time limit, we all get 9 hours off each intervening
daylight period.  I think it is a reasonable balance.

-- Eric R3/K3NA (where 00z is 3am!)

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cq-contest at contesting.com
[mailto:owner-cq-contest at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Bill Fisher W4AN
Sent: 2001 November 21 Wed 05:22
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: re: [CQ-Contest] 2003 CQ 160 Change Coming

>"Starting with 2003 the CQ 160 Contests will be changed to
>48-hour contests to conform with most other worldwide contests.  The
>starting time will be 0000Z on Saturday and the ending time 2359Z on

The proposal laid out by W4ZV means that the contest doesn't start for us
on the east coast until 2 hours after sunset (8 hours for Europeans) and
it means that we now have to operate single band contest 3 nights instead
of just two.  The Europeans would operate 1/2 night on Saturday morning,
Full night Saturday night, and 1/2 night on Sunday.

Am I the only one that thinks this is a really stupid idea?

This is smarter:
The contest starts 1 hour before local sunset on Friday and ends 1 hour
after local sunrise on Sunday.  The contest starts for everyone when the
band is open and ends when the band is closed.


Bill, W4AN

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