[CQ-Contest] 40/80 M SSB during contests

CYBERGURUES lw9euj at ciudad.com.ar
Fri Oct 12 22:38:06 EDT 2001

Hi all:

I won´t write about the K3NM (LU9AY op.) issue, I guess almost everything
has already been said. I know Matt very well, I operated in some contests
with him, and I know he is not the kind of guy that intentionally makes QRM
to other stations.

We as contester always try to generate as little QRM as possible to
non-contesters, furthermore there are hundreds of contest that do not use
the entire portion of the bands.

Anyway I believe that there are too many contests throughout the year, and
this should be reviewed if possible. I guess this would help diminish the
aversion that non-contesters feel to contesters, and everybody would be

Take a look at WA7BNM's contest calendar, there is not a single weekend
without any contest scheduled. Some contests are organized in as many ways
as possible. Also, this could be a factor that works against contesting,
because participation is dispersed unnecessarily.

Maybe most minor contests could be mixed together resulting in better
overall quality, participation, etc.

Not an easy task for sure.

Best regards to all.

Martin, LW9EUJ

LW9EUJ will be on all bands Low Power in CQ WW DX SSB from LU9DMC. Not
enough time to prepare the station for SO2R :-(

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