[CQ-Contest] Why I Won't Be in CQWW CW This Year

Barry w2up at mindspring.com
Mon Oct 15 09:54:36 EDT 2001

Funny, I thought I was the only one who complained about this. At 
least that's what K1AR tells me :.)

As one who lives away from both sides of my family, this is a 
chronic problem for me.  Several months ago, I wrote the dates of 
CQWW CW on my wife's "master calendar."  Two weeks ago, she 
tells me her sister invited us (300 miles away) for Thanksgiving. 
Here we go again... I tell her I "reserved" that weekend months ago, 
and she can take the kids and go without me. She doesn't want to 
do that, etc., etc.

I second Pete's nomination for moving the contest a week later.

Barry W2UP

On 15 Oct 01, at 8:28, Pete Smith wrote:

> I love CQWW CW beyond all contests, bar none.  but I won't be
> participating this year, at least not seriously.  The reason?  As
> happens most years, the contest falls on the weekend immediately after
> US Thanksgiving.  This is the only major holiday this year that my son
> and his family will be able to visit us, and I'm not willing to choose
> CQWW over the chance to spend time with them.  In past years, I could
> argue to myself that they would be back at Christmas, but the
> grandkids are growing up, and this year they're planning Christmas at
> their home, not ours.
> This is all the more aggravating because it is so unnecessary.  On the
> following weekend, the first weekend in December, the only scheduled
> contests (according to WA7BNM's contest calendar) are the TARA RTTY
> Sprint, the Tennessee QSO Party and the QRP ARCI Holiday Spirits
> Sprint.  Which of these wouldn't switch with CQWWCW in a heartbeat? 
> So why does CQWW insist on maintaining the CW contest on Thanksgiving
> weekend, when another option is so readily available?  Tradition? 
> Fear of perturbing records set a week earlier?  Or just inertia?
> It's too late this year, but why not join me in asking the CQWW
> Committee to recognize the importance of family ties to the US
> participants and move CQWWCW to the first weekend in December, 2002?
> 73, Pete N4ZR
> --
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Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up at mindspring.com
Newtown, PA                     Frankford Radio Club

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