[CQ-Contest] Why I Won't Be in CQWW CW This Year

k2qmf at juno.com k2qmf at juno.com
Mon Oct 15 18:11:59 EDT 2001

I think it's a great weekend for the contest.
You get Friday off from work to Sleep late and get set up.
You have left over turkey sandwiches all weekend...

73,  Ted  K2QMF

On Mon, 15 Oct 2001 07:38:47 -0500 "NF4A" <nf4a at knology.net> writes:
> While my excuse (opening of deer season) is not as noble as Pete's, 
> I too
> will only be operating in a limited way during the CQWWCW. I agree 
> that the
> following week is the way to go! Maybe others who agree (or 
> disagree) will
> chime in....It isn't too late for 2002 as Pete said.
> Charlie NF4A
> --
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