[CQ-Contest] Weird response from ssb@cqww.com

Dave Pascoe KM3T km3t at contesting.com
Mon Oct 29 08:48:56 EST 2001

> I just sent my log in for this weekend's contest.  I got a QSL from
> cqww.com, but I also got a message from earthlink saying that my message to
> n6tw (the same message that went to CQ) bounced with the following error
> message:
>    ----- Transcript of session follows -----
> ... while talking to mx00.earthlink.net.:
> >>> RCPT To:<n6tw at earthlink.net>
> <<< 554 Quota violation for n6tw at earthlink.net
> 554 n6tw at earthlink.net... Service unavailable
> Is the auto-forward to N6TW just a play-safe backup of what goes to
> cqww.com, or do I need to resubmit later after this "quota violation" has
> been cleared up?

The logs go into a safe holding area that has nothing to do with
Earthlink.  This message is just a bounce from the forward to N6TW which,
yes, is another place the log goes for safekeeping.  Not to worry.  Ignore
the bounce message.  I don't think this will get resolved soon because I
think N6TW is at the T8 operation.

Dave KM3T

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