[CQ-Contest] Some SE CW Sprint Teams...

Bill Fisher W4AN w4an at contesting.com
Wed Sep 5 22:42:56 EDT 2001

FWIW, here are a few Sprint teams I managed to organize.  We tried to
split up the talent evenly, except for the Middle East team which was
based on geography.  My thanks to everyone who put up with my
salesmanship...  just be glad I don't sell long distance.  

Beam SE
1	K4AAA	Bill 	GA	w4an at contesting.com
2	N4AF	Al	NC	n4af at spamcop.net (Howie) 
3	W5WMU	Pat	LA	cajunham at aol.com
4	K4NO	Greg	AL	k4no at home.com
5	K4MA	Jim	NC	k4ma at nc.rr.com
6	AA4Z	Bruce	GA	SavageBR at aol.com	
7	K4RO	Kirk	TN	k4ro at k4ro.net
8	N4ZZ	Don	TN	n4zz at bellsouth.net
9	K0EJ	Mark	TN	k0ej at juno.com	
10	This could be you!!!

1	K4BAI	John	GA	k4bai at worldnet.att.net		
2       KT3Y    Phil    VA      KT3Y at aol.com
3	K5OT	Larry	AL	K5OT at earthlink.net
4	KZ5D	Art	LA	KZ5D at aol.com
5	K9AY	Gary 	GA	gabnjb at earthlink.net
6	WQ5L	Ray	MS	rocker at datasync.com
7	W9WI	Doug	TN	w9wi at w9wi.com
8	AE4Y	Kent	GA	ae4y at mindspring.com
9	W4NZ	Ted	TN	w4nz at arrl.net
10	WO4O	Ric	TN	wo4o at juno.com

1	W4PA	Scott	TN	srobbins at tentec.com
2	W4OC	Don	SC	w4oc at aol.com
3	KO7X	Al	NC	ko7x at att.net
4	K4FXN	Dan	KY	k4fxn at iglou.com
5	K5KG	George	FL	GeorgeK5KG at aol.com
6	K0CIE	Karl	OK	Karl at kaukis.com	
7	k4IQJ	Dick	AL	jaeger at eng.auburn.edu
8	W4OGG	Dave	TN	none
9	W4AU	John	VA	w4au at contesting.com
10	AA4LR	Bill	GA	AA4LR at arrl.net   

Middle East

1       N4ZR    Pete    WV      n4zr at contesting.com
2       K7SV    Larry   VA      k7sv at va.prestige.net
3       NA0N    Pat     MN      korkowp1 at worldnet.att.net
4       K3WU    Jim     PA      vilbert at erols.com
5       N9GG    Bob     DE      radio at udel.edu
6       K4MX    Jerry   VA      jeri1208 at intelos.net
7       K8DX    Scott   OH      k8dx at raex.com
8       K8NZ    Ron     OH      Nzharps at aol.com
9	KU8E	Jeff	OH	ku8e1 at yahoo.com
10      N2MG    Mike    NY      n2mg at contesting.com

Special Mention:  N5DX - Declined my invitation so he could attend the
Tennesee/Arkansas football game.  I've seen those Arkansas women, and I
believe he made the right decision.  :)


### Bill GA K4AAA

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