[CQ-Contest] Comfortable Headphones?

K5NZ at aol.com K5NZ at aol.com
Mon Sep 10 16:50:31 EDT 2001

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Anyone know of some really comfortable headphones that don't pinch your head 
and make your ears sweat?  Something you can wear for 24 hours and not have 
"headphone head" when your finished?  I have tried all the Heil models with 
no luck.  Thanks in advance for your advice.

"If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!"
Mike Hance K5NZ
Bedias, Tx
 <A HREF="http://www.teamcramp.com/">http://www.teamcramp.com/</A> 

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Anyone know of some really comfortable headphones that don't pinch your head 
and make your ears sweat?  Something you can wear for 24 hours and not have 
"headphone head" when your finished?  I have tried all the Heil models with 
no luck.  Thanks in advance for your advice. 

"If it's worth doing....it's worth overdoing!" 
Mike Hance K5NZ 
Bedias, Tx 


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