[CQ-Contest] CW Sprint - E-mail log subsmission

Tree N6TR tree at kkn.net
Wed Sep 12 17:27:23 EDT 2001

As previously noted, the e-mail log submission process was broken for the
CW Sprint.  Due to some confusion, an e-mail connection from one server
to another was severed.

I believe this has been fixed (or soon will be) and logs will be processed.
It is possible that all of the logs sent so far have been stored and will
eventually make it to their final destination.

You can check for sure to see if you log has made it by going to the
NCJ web site (www.ncjweb.com), clicking on CONTESTS and then the link
for CW Sprint logs received.  It will probably be a minimum of a few
days before this list is updated - so please be patient.  If you see
some callsigns there, and your call is missing, please resubmit your
log to the cwsprint at ncjweb.com address.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly.  Please,
do not send me your log directly.

73 Tree N6TR
tree at kkn.net

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