[CQ-Contest] Sprint Cancellation

Albert Crespo nh7a at arrl.net
Fri Sep 14 18:11:46 EDT 2001

Very diplomatic move to cancel the Sprint and not cause interference to
Nets that will be handling traffic. Also, it is really too soon to
forget the scenes of people falling out of office buildings to spend
time in a competition.
            Aloha, Al

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>From Silver Ward" <hwardsil1 at mindspring.com  Fri Sep 14 20:04:48 2001
From: Silver Ward" <hwardsil1 at mindspring.com (Silver Ward)
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 20:04:48 +0100
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Salmon Run - Still On
Message-ID: <018801c13d50$209ca7a0$312379a5 at ward>

Hi all,

I just wanted to let everyone know that the Washington State QSO Party - the
Salmon Run - will still be held this weekend.  (www.wwdxc.org/salmonrun/)
Several of us will be mobiling around the state - including the bonus
station, W7DX.  Many of the rare WA counties will be activated.

In the spirit of the Amateur Radio Service in this time of national turmoil,
I have asked our club members to treat the event as an opportunity for
exercising their emergency capabilities - either as a mobile or by operating
in an emergency mode from their home stations.  It is important for us to be
on the air.

Because so many state and regional nets operate on 75-meters, most WA
stations will either be operating with low power or on frequencies other
than the announced frequency of 3925 kHz.  None of our announced CW
frequencies should affect emergency net operations.  I have also asked all
club participants to be particularly sensitive to the possible presence of
emergency operations on any frequency.

73, Ward N0AX
Western Washington DX Club Vice-President

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