[CQ-Contest] Pleasant Surprise

John Unger w4au at contesting.com
Tue Sep 18 09:17:17 EDT 2001

Over the weekend I had a very pleasant surprise when I received a handsome certificate from the Czech Radio Club for my 16th place finish (non-Czech entries) in the OK-OM DX contest (3rd in the U.S.) last year. Also included in the envelope was a glossy covered, eighteen page booklet containing all the results, rules for the 2001 contest and other useful information. I don't know how deep they went in awarding certificates, but it is a generous gesture to send one to a 16th place finisher...

I'm mentioning these items here on the contest reflector just to let other U.S. hams know about this contest and how well it is organized. In fact, after seeing repeated complaints about certificates and/or plaques from the "big time" contest organizers being so late, it is refreshing to see how timely the OK-OM Contest folks got their material out. 

See you November 11-12, 2001. BTW, it's CW only...

73 - John, W4AU

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