[CQ-Contest] HA0NAR expresses support for the USA

K1to at aol.com K1to at aol.com
Thu Sep 20 16:13:14 EDT 2001

Laci, HA0NAR is a terrific friend who spent a summer in CT a number
of years ago working with Yale University on diseases that affect trees.

He also manages to get on for most CW contests...

Dear Dan,

On behalf of the members of the HA0 Amateur Society (Hajdu-Bihar county) I
would like to express the deepest sympathy of  Hungarian radio amateurs to
our fellow radio amateurs in the United States and to the families and the
loved ones of the victims of this horrific  tragedy. We share in your
grief, our hearts are with you.



Dr. Laszlo Radocz, associate professor
Dep. of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agronomy
Centre of Agricultural Sciences
University of Debrecen
138. Boszormenyi str., DEBRECEN, H-4032 Hungary
tel: +36 52 347-888
fax: +36 52 413-385

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