[CQ-Contest] What RF voltage OK at Rx in SO2R?

Mike Gilmer - N2MG n2mg at contesting.com
Tue Sep 25 07:25:46 EDT 2001

A quick search using "stubs" in the www.eham.net links database yields K1TTT's website - he has a good technical reference on filters and stubs.

73 Mike N2MG

From: Tom Osborne <w7why at harborside.com> 

Hi All

Could someone point me to a site which shows how to build stubs,
install filters, etc for SO2R.  I'm trying to upgrade the station
here as I'm having some interference problems.  Man, I remember
on field day once, we had 2 Drake TR-4C's sitting on the same
table and you didn't even know the other one was there when
operating!!  Not so with the "new and better" equipment we have
nowadays.  73

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