[CQ-Contest] YCCC to host Hollingsworth and Heil Oct. 6 2001

Henry Heidtmann n4vhk at summitschool.com
Wed Sep 26 11:51:18 EDT 2001

I'd buy one for our club as well-
Henry, N4VHK
Forsyth Amateur Radio Club
Winston-Salem, NC

Dale L Martin wrote:
> Sounds like a great program and meeting, Jim.
> Any chance that someone might mic the speakers and videotape the
> presentations?  Even grabbing sound bites ("Hi, I'm Jim, K1XYZ") from the
> "many ops and station owners who are involved in contesting" in attendance
> would be fun.
> I'd buy a copy for the our club.
> 73 and have fun,
> dale, kg5u
> --
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