[CQ-Contest] WPX Contest Question

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Tue Apr 2 14:37:09 EST 2002

WG7X wrote:

>Should I expect to be sought out as a needed
multiplier, or continue to participate in my normal
way in the S&P mode? W7's are literally a dime
a dozen and I've always thought that the WPX offered
myself and others a way to be popular, if only
for a short time.

        Gary, your prefix is rare but not rare enough, hi!
Serious SOAB or SOSB WPX contesters will get ~1000 prefixes
in this contest, so one more prefix will only add 1/1000 or
0.1% to their score.  As long as conditions allow running
stations at fairly high rates (say 70 or higher), most guys
will simply run and let the prefix multipliers come to them.
The only time I ever tune for stations in this contest is
when rates drop below what I think is a reasonable rate.
In CQWW or ARRL DX, multipliers are worth much more than in
WPX since there are fewer of them.  I'm sure the SO2R guys in 
WPX were looking for you, but there were just not enough for
you to notice it.

                                        73,  Bill  W4ZV


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