[CQ-Contest] eQSL change of policy

Sylvan Katz jskatz at sk.sympatico.ca
Thu Apr 4 16:04:01 EST 2002

> If you don't log a QSO and forget to fill out or send a card, and have no
> way of following up on it later because of a lack of a log entry (mobile,
> portable or otherwise) who's fault is this and why is this blame now being
> assigned to LotW which is still a work in progress?

There is an implicit assumption in the above statement that may not be quite
accurate. It appears to assume that both sides of a qso care about awards
and QSLs. I, for example, don't really care about awards and qsl cards. On
the other hand, I sure want to help those who do by confirming their qso
with me. I don't send QSL cards by mail --- a bit too expensive for my
simple life -- however, eQSLs are ideal. Although, I must admit I have never
initiated an eQSL but I have responded to hundreds of them.

By law I do not have to keep a general log. In practice I don't keep a
general log. I do keep contest logs. After, they are scored, they are
compressed, archived and put on a shelf. Too be quite honest I do not have
the time to search through contest logs, and some months I may have 4
contests logs, to confirm each QSL or eQSL that comes to my mail and

I rely on the honor system - if a fellow amateur wants an eQSL card from me
then all he has to do is send me an eQSL. I will assume he values our qso
and that he is honorable enough to provide me with accurate information
about our qso in his eQSL . And until the recent change of policy at eQSL.cc
I use to "eQSL 100 percent" but it seems they are forcing me to change my
words to "I never QSL". What a pity.

As others have pointed out, QSLing "is  fundamentally an honor system and we
should be striving for ways to implement that honor system as painlessly as

.. sylvan

Sylvan Katz, VE5ZX
Saskatoon, SK
"A Novel Perspective of Amateur Radio Contesting" at

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