[CQ-Contest] Ten Tec Orion and limited SO2R

David L. Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Sat Apr 6 15:08:03 EST 2002

Hans, K0HB mention of the ability of the orion to handle limited two radio
function can easily be accomplished now with Software defined radios SDR.
The Orion and the FT1000D allows limited SO2R and now the Orion allows a
second amp and antenna.  Even back in the late 60's Hallicrafters SR2000 and
SR400 allowed two frequency operation at once so you could run on say 14155
and tune the band with the other VFO. Both allowed dual RX without switching
between the two VFO's.    This can be done (less the dual duplex RX) with
most transceivers.  My older FT980's allow me to work satellite on 21.230
and receive on 28.940.

SO2R is easy when you are Single band because there is usually no need for
another amp and antenna.  Multi band SO2R is more complicated.  Even the
logging software has to be set up properly to record the right rig and band.
On the writelog reflector a common complaint is that the wrong band or mode
was logged and how do you fix??

73 Dave K4JRB

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