[CQ-Contest] Re: ARRL Awards / Contest logs

BobK8IA at aol.com BobK8IA at aol.com
Tue Apr 9 13:14:47 EDT 2002

>Ve5ZX wrote:
    All entries logs submitted to an ARRL contest and verified by the
contest checking software should automatically be accredited to any ARRL
award for which it is considered to be a valid contact.


This used to exist back in the 60s-70s when Bob White was running the DXCC 
show.No software then, of course, but if ARRL had contest logs from both 
parties you could get country credit.

 Anyone know why/how they got away from that policy? I wouldnt think it would 
be difficult to "re-implement", especially with Cabrillo logging!

73, Bob K8IA
Michigan USA

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