[CQ-Contest] WPX Contest Spots

Georgek5kg at aol.com Georgek5kg at aol.com
Wed Apr 10 23:32:36 EDT 2002

In a message dated 4/11/2002 2:09:06 AM Greenwich Standard Time, 
ns3t at arrl.net writes:

> I again found evidence of
> disguised self-spotting by a number of stations - that will be forwarded
> to those in charge of the WPX contest.


I too am appaled at the thought of self-spotting or even disguised 

However, I am curious why you will be forwarding any findings of your 
analysis to "those in charge of the WPX contest".  Have you been designated 
by the contest sponsors to do this analysis and report your findings, or are 
you self appointed in this role?  If you have been hired by the contest 
sponsors to report your findings, I would like to see the criteria on which 
you will base your judgement outlined in the contest rules.  If you are self 
appointed, I'd suggest you find something better to do.  You are getting 
yourself into a big rat trap, in my opinion!  

What is the point of reporting any findings?  Will those cited be 
disqualified?  And how will you really determine what is legitimate, but 
frequently repeated spotting, during the contest vs. malicious self-spotting.

I for one do a lot of packet Assisted contest operating.  It is my favorite 
mode of contesting.  Many times I will spot a DX station over and over when I 
tune across them.  I do this especially late in the contest when activity 
waines for the DX station.  I am alway hopeful that my spotting will bring on 
those Q's on a band or mode previously missed by others.  This is especially 
true for Sweepstakes spotting.

Let me explain.  Take a contest regular, such as HC8N.  What is the harm in 
spotting HC8N many times over on each band as you tune across him?  The 
intent is do drive traffic to him.  Of course!

I'd appreciate your comments.

73, Geo...

George I. Wagner, K5KG
Productivity Resources LLC
941-312-9460 fax
201-415-6044 cell

<A HREF="http://www.consultpr.com/">www.consultPR.com</A>
<A HREF="http://www.fs9000.com">www.fs9000.com</A>

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