[CQ-Contest] WPX Contest Spots

david.e.burger at au.pwcglobal.com david.e.burger at au.pwcglobal.com
Fri Apr 12 12:02:31 EDT 2002

I have never been able to use spotting in any contests, as generally my
contest station is out of range of convention carrier networks, but was
amazed to see I had been spotted over 20 times - and by people I do not
know - bar one.

I understand there is an Assisted Class in many contests, and they can use
the spottingnetwork and whatever quality (or quantity) that may bring.
The real issue is self spotting as mentioned in the rules - so if you saw a
VK8AA spot by VK2CZ then that would be grounds for disqualification as I
hold both calls.

Leave it to the WPX organisers to do proper data mining and come up with
their decisions.
David VK8AA / VK2CZ

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