[CQ-Contest] Re: [NCCC] NS3T's wild accusation

k6iii at juno.com k6iii at juno.com
Fri Apr 12 19:18:01 EDT 2002

Good solid and reasonable reply, Dave. I saw many of your spots and
appreciated them. I too spotted many friends so our NCCC guys could find
them; many more than once. I don't see the point ns3t is trying to make.
Certainly self-spotting is contrary to the rules, but spotting other
stations, no mater how many times is not against the rules. I wonder
where ns3t was observing these spots; perhaps some telnet node somewhere,
and what is his evidence (and criteria) for determing a self-spot has
occurred. Rather annoying to make this accusations without supporting
de Jerry/k6iii
San Jose, CA

On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 09:06:09 -0800 Dave Tucker <ddddd at attbi.com> writes:
Below is an accusation by NS3T regarding self spotting.  I would like 
to set the record  straight for one and all
 I made a concentrated effort to spot stations during the WPX 
 whenever I was in S&P  mode.  I was very active and probably sent over
350 spots.  Many were dx, many were domestic.  Some more than once. That
I happened to spot NR6O  numerous times is in  no way a violation of any
rule. Where does it state that you can only spot a station  once? <<<
snip >>>
 Dave Tucker KA6BIM
> Quote from NS3T on CQ-Contest reflector:
> "After going thru some 17,000 spots from the CQ WPX SSB
> contest over
> the past week, I figured it was time to share some of my work with 
> the
> reflector.  As in the ARRL DX contests, I again found evidence of
> disguised self-spotting by a number of stations - that will be 
> forwarded
> to those in charge of the WPX contest.
> I thought I would start by giving some stats on stations that 
> frequently
> spotted another station during the contest.  I've seen people say 
> that
> they figure 2 spots per band is "reasonable" for a 48 hour contest; 
> some
> of these certainly exceed that.  I am just listing the top ten.
> 1)   IR3P spotted FM5GU 30 times - - 15 spots were on 20 meters.
> 2t)  S51QN spotted S58M 28 times - - 15 times on 20m.
> 2t)  CE4VCN spots CB4A 28 times - - 12 spots on 15 meters.
> 4t)  OK1WWJ spots OL5T 21 times- -  5 each on 80 and 40 meters.
> 4t)  RK3QWA spotted 5B4/R3CC 21 times (9x on 10 meters.)
> 6) N2QER - 13 spots of NY6DX - - 5 spots on both 10/15 meters.
> 7) UR7IJQ spotted US7IGF 12 times - all were on 15 meters.
> 8t) KA6BIM spotted NR6O 11 times -  4 were on 10 meters.
> 8t) PY2SBY spotted PU2WDX 11 times - all on 10 meters.
>    PU2WDX in turn spotted PY2SBY 6 times on 10 meters.
> 10) KC5JSO spotted T93M/HI9 10 times - five were on 10m.
> More later.
> Jamie NS3T"
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