[CQ-Contest] spots-getting old!

ki9a at aol.com ki9a at aol.com
Fri Apr 12 15:50:42 EDT 2002

C'mon guys. this tread is getting real old! 

Here it is:
1) self spotting is illegal. Don't do it.
2) spotting others is OK. Do it. There are no limits. Deal with it.

I have recently started using packet during contests, it makes it a bit more intersting for us little pistols. Yeah, damn right I spot my buddies. Show me in the rules where I can't. I also spot guys who I don't even know, but I do know they are out there busting their butts during any given weekend. Then, there are the rare mults that I spot.

If someone has enough time to go over THOUSANDS of WPX spots, then post them according to who spotted who, they really,really need to get a life! 

If you don't like packet, don't use it. Period.

73-Chuck KI9A

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