[CQ-Contest] spots. who needs 'em?

Paul-VE3ZT VE3ZT at rac.ca
Sun Apr 14 21:06:38 EDT 2002

Hi Wayne,

I thought there was something wrong with me until I read your post. At 
least there are two of us who can't be bothered with that packet stuff. 
Getting the beam pointed to within 20 or 30 degrees of Europe is high-tech 
enough for me.

cu in the next one,

Paul, VE3ZT


At 08:37 PM 13/04/2002, W. Wright, W5XD, you said...

>Am I the only person on the planet that thinks running packet in a contest
>REDUCES the enjoyment of the weekend? If the guys that are complaining at
>each other about abusing packet would all  just quit using it, they might
>discover you enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with finding your
>own multipliers.
>As a software vendor I get requests that I can paraphrase as "please improve
>the aim of your software for shooting fish in a barrel--there were 100 fish
>in that barrel last weekend and I could have shot more than 90 of them if
>your software were better". I do attempt to "improve the aim" (should I?),
>but one the great mysteries of life is why folks don't try to go find fish
>that haven't been put the the barrel yet?
>Wayne, W5XD

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