[CQ-Contest] Plaque-gate
K1AR at aol.com
K1AR at aol.com
Thu Apr 18 12:54:49 EDT 2002
As the guy responsible for CQ WW trophies, I can only comment on my part of
this puzzle. N8BJQ will need to respond to the WPX issues.
As for the CQ WW, we are essentially caught up. The last batch of 2000
trophies are at the engraver awaiting completion and shipment. As soon as I
have the final results for last year's contest, I will be moving forward
immediately to produce them. So, we're actually in reasonable shape.
The issue with the KH7R M/M combined awards is that they are funded and
produced locally by the boys at Alpha/Ehrhorn. I've obviously assumed
erroneously that this was happening and will fix it immediately. I'm sure
that with the business transition there, this is one thing that fell through
the cracks.
If there are other problems with CQWW trophies in particular, I am not aware
of them and encourage you to bring them to my attention.
Please accept my apology for any problems.
73 John, K1AR
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