[CQ-Contest] Consider This

Bill Coleman aa4lr at arrl.net
Tue Apr 23 15:36:45 EDT 2002

On 4/23/02 7:01 AM, Ivo PEZER, 5B4ADA at 9a3a at spidernet.com.cy wrote:

>SO2R is just one of the latest developements that have caused many concerns.

SO2R is not a recent development. SO2R operating is decades old.

Contrary to the conventional wisdom, SO2R isn't a matter of buying 
equipment. Having two radios doesn't suddenly given you an overwhelming 

Further, consider the efforts of Fred, K3ZO. He manages to hold his own 
quite nicely with just one radio.


Technology has also made the issue entirely confused. For a couple of 
years I have made the statement that the FT-1000D has 95% of the required 
circuitry to do SO2R operating with a single radio. The only thing that 
it doesn't do is receive while transmitting.

Now comes TenTec with their Orion. I have yet to hear back from the Sales 
department on my question, but I would be quite surprised if it couldn't 
receive while transmitting.

SO2R operation is effectively two receivers and one transmitter run by 
one operator. Since only one signal is on the air at a time, and all 
logging, spotting and operating is done by the single operator, it 
properly belongs in the Single-Operator category.

There is no need for a new category.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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