[CQ-Contest] April doldrums

Lou Mecseri loumecseri at bestnetpc.com
Thu Apr 25 14:17:32 EDT 2002

Yes, FQP is this weekend, Saturday and Sunday.

PLEASE work us.


Lou   KE1F

----- Original Message -----
From: John Unger <w4au at contesting.com>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] April doldrums

: Tree -
: I think the Florida QSO Party is coming up sometime soon, but that usually
conflicts with Dayton, doesn't it? Also I may be confused after reading all
the messages on this reflector, but I believe that the new FQP rules do not
allow SO2R stations this year unless they append their calls with /SO2R.
: 73 - John, W4AU
: At 12:56 4/24/02 -0700, you wrote:
: >Anyone notice how there just aren't any real contests in April?
: >
: >We have the WPX SSB at the end of March, and the WPX CW in May.
: >
: >But - with the exception of the Poisson D'Avril contest on the
: >first, there just doesn't seem to be much going on.
: >
: >It really makes it hard for us two radio guys to keep our skills
: >in shape.
: >
: >At any rate - if anyone does know of any contests coming up this
: >weekend, that might not be well publicized, please let me know.
: >Maybe the Podunk Stew Perry Kid's QSO Party Sprint or something...
: >
: >73 Tree N6TR
: >tree at kkn.net
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