[CQ-Contest] Re: Absurdity...

Bill Coleman aa4lr at arrl.net
Fri Apr 26 12:04:32 EDT 2002

On 4/25/02 4:45 PM, Ron Notarius WN3VAW at wn3vaw at fyi.net wrote:

>Am I missing something, or has this reached a new point of absurdity?

Hey, in contesting, we're pushing the limits of absurdity all the time!


(During the last NAQP, my wife remarked to my daughters that I was 
involved in a "QSO Party" downstairs. My girls picked up on the word 
"party" and asked if they could go. So, they came down to the shack for a 
visit. A few minutes later, they came back upstairs. "Mama, how can daddy 
be at a party? He's just sitting down there all by himself....")

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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